Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Worcester County Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund being formed - get on this RIDE!

Blackstone Valley Motorcyclists Survivor’s Fund, Inc.


January 25, 2010
For more info, contact
Dave Menard - dave@bvmsurvivorsfund.org,

Subj. Worcester County Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund being formed - get on this RIDE!

(Uxbridge, MA) - The Blackstone Valley Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, Inc., ("BVMSF"), a 501c3 nonprofit organization of volunteers, Board of Directors voted last week to "expand" it's coverage area to include all of the sixty (60) Worcester County's cities and towns, effective next month.

"We got our feet wet the past two seasons and built up our Fund, due to the generosity of area riders," said Dave Menard of Whitinsville, founder and President of the all volunteer organization.

"Several other motorcycle leaders in the central and northern parts of the County have stepped forward giving us the commitment we needed for such a large expansion."

The BVMSF seeks to unite various riding clubs and group of all riding styles in the region, hosting events to raise money for local families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents, and promotes motorcycle safety and awareness hoping to prevent those accidents.

Motorcycle related businesses, such as Ironstone Ventures Rider Education Schools, support and sponsor BVMSF events, said its president, Joe Proia.

It's concept is an expansion of the successful Southeast Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund (www.SEMMSF.org) and the Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund (www.MassMSF.org).

Both those organizations' boards voted to support the expansion into the entire Worcester County region after recent exploration meetings earlier this month, also attended by several Star Touring members who've helped on past Events but live in areas outside Worcester County

"We know riders believe in helping other riders families who are in need after an accident," said Bob "Bobcat" Jerszyk of Millbury, one of the region's Star Touring leaders and longtime supporter the SEMMSF and MMSF.

The expansion team will host another organizational meeting Thursday night, Feb. 18th, at 7:00 p.m., at the Central Mass Safety Council site in W. Boylston. All Worcester County riders and those promoting motorcycle safety and awareness are invited to come hear more about the expansion and planned Events for the 2010 riding season. Please RSVP to info@bvmsurvivorsfund.org.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

11th Annual Nelson's Ride - logo design contest

Date: January 20, 2010

A "logo" design is needed for the 11th Annual MMSF "Nelson's Ride" - coming this August 22nd, staging at the beautiful ocean-side Stage Fort Park in Gloucester.

The selected logo design will go on the Event t-shirts, over 10,000 flyers, posters and postcards.

Entries must be received by Feb. 20, 2010 and should be submitted on-line via Contact@MassMSF.org or via the mail at MMSF, P.O. Box 427, Salem, MA 01970.

The Board of Directors of the MMSF, Inc., along with Nelson's Family, will be final judges of the entries.

The winner of the logo design selected will received two (2) Event T-shirts;
two (2) VIP passes to the 2010 Nelson's Ride; honorable mention throughout the 2010 season and at the Event.

All entries become the property of MMSF, Inc., with no additional compensation for their use other than stated herein.

Winner agrees to release of their name and photo to all media outlets.

Some themes to keep in mind, . . .

1) family friendly/oriented;

2) Nelson's accident in May 2000 became our 'ground zero' for motorcycle safety and awareness;

3) "Riders helping Riders,"

The MMSF Directors thank the riding community for its longtime support of the MMSF and its Events.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming MMSF supported events that help our own. . .
and watch for more info on our April 10th MMSF and Nelson's Ride kickoff Events Planning Meeting !