Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Year End Donations of $5,000 to MMSF families

As a result of the generous donations from the riding community, by participating at our MMSF Events, buying MMSF raffle tickets and purchasing our MMSF products, and with our sponsors, supporters and partners, in addition to the over $13,000 donated in 2008 to area riders' families in need, . . . Saturday at our 2008 Holiday Party we were able to donate $5,000 more, to ten (10) families, to help ease their holiday season.

We say 'donated' by the MMSF but its really 're-gifting' from the motorcycle community's donations.

See the pictures and story on www.MassMSF.org.

Thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to you all

On behalf of the MMSF Board of Directors - PC

2008/2009 Board of Directors and Officers of the MMSF

Paul W. Cote, co-Founder, Chairman and President
Jason Hallock, co-Founder, Vice President
Vince Silvia, Treasurer
Jacky Kieras, Clerk

Jason "Clutch" Blais of Byfield
Sue Hart of Merrimac (Alternate)
Joe "Sarge" Komola of Tewksbury
Mike Longtin of No. Easton
Jackie Monahan of Haverhill
Dennis Palazzo of Rowley
Gail Riley of Merrimac (Alternate)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pictures from MMSF Holiday Party!

They're here!

Year End 2008 - Holiday Party Wrap Up and Merry Christmas!

Over 70 people braved the snowstorms, attending the MMSF Holiday Party Saturday at the Village Green, as the MMSF "re-gifted" $5,000 from riders to ten (10) MMSF families, making it a bit easier on their families for Christmas.

Friends, families and representatives of the Aces and Eights RC, North Shore Women on Wheels (WOW), North Shore Riders, Witch City Riders, and Star Touring attended, along with Nelson's parents Faye and Bob. Deb "Chic" came in from Charlton and Elisa Mello, (President of the Southeaster MMSF and Brian's Ride)," joining others from the North Shore. The egg nog was flowing with a delicious carved turkey served up by the Village Green staff.

"We had a decent year," Paul W. Cote told the crowd. "Reduced accidents and lots of money donated by the riders to the Fund, allow us to help more now with our holiday gifts from the riding community." Cote reported the MMSF re-directed over $13,000 in 2008 to riders families, and this weekend donated another $500 to the ten families, (eight who were present at the Party). "Each riders' $15 donation here and $10 donation there all add up allowing the Survivor's Fund to help rider families in need, and we thank all the riders for helping us take care of our own."

With John Jermore Music of Gloucester played great tunes, the MMSF Board members surprised one of their own with a surprise birthday cake. Vince Silvia, past Clerk and current Treasurer of the MMSF, who grew up sharing his December 21 birthday with his twin brother and Christmas, blew out all the candles on his cake to the Birthday chorus.

Marty Johnson's dad (of Middleton) attended with Friends of Marty while Marty's mother Donna and Melyssa went to the Beverly Hospital, where (later reported) baby "Marty" was born, (about a month premature). Both Baby Marty and Melyssa are doing well, and this might be the first MMSF baby !

The raffle drawing saw six-year old "Sami" pulling the winners, all who have been contacted:

1st Prize - Faye and Bob of Essex
2nd Prize - Joe P. of Peabody
3rd Prize - Jeanne M. of Nahant
4th Prize - Marty J. of Middleton
5th Prize - Mike L of Newbury
6th Prize - Deb C., of Charlton

Watch here for the 2008 MMSF Year in Review wrap up while plans are underway for 2009 MMSF sponsored and supported Events, for riders helping riders.

Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

The MMSF Board of Directors

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

MMSF Holiday Party and Raffle Drawing - This Saturday 12/20!

The Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, Inc., invites all riders and friends to it's Holiday Party and its Raffle Drawing, this Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008, at the Village Green Restaurant, Route 1, Danvers (see http://www.villagegreendanvers.com/contactinformation.html ) for directions.

Request for admission is the purchase of a $10 MMSF raffle ticket, with drawings of 5 winners that date.
There will be five winners of 100 Lottery Scratch tickets - in $10, $5, $2 and $1 denominations.

Purchase your tickets ($10 each or 3 for $20) on-line at www.MassMSF.org before Wednesday night, midnight, or buy them at the door Sat. 12/20.

Several families assisted by the MMSF, through the donations year-round from area riders to the MMSF, will be present, to extend their thanks to riders. Come out and see where your donations go, how they help others, and hear a 'state of Fund' recap, along with upcoming MMSF supported Events in 2009.

From 1 - 4 p.m., snacks and egg nog, live music by John Jerome (http://www.myspace.com/JohnJerome)

Make this 'your holiday Party' to attend. TONS of thanks for a great riding season !

Your MMSF - riders helping riders !

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Photos from "Friends of Ben" event on 12/6

Two sets of photos of the day's festivities honoring Ben "Knight Cycles" Johnston can be found here (provided by his daughter Lisa), and here (provided by Jacky Kieras).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Upcoming MMSF Events

Upcoming Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor Fund events . . .

1. ) MMSF Board Member Dennis Palazzo has motorcycle storage space in the greater Rowley area. Great for a club, up to 17 bike spaces. Easy access, okay to work on or just visit your bike during the winter. Contact Dennis at Karatekid5th@aol.com for more info.

2. ) Event, "Help a Home for the Holidays" party, Saturday, Nov. 29, noon - 4, by the Southeastern MMSF, in honor of Vietnam Vet, founder of the area Veterans Brotherhood MC, and 2005 accident victim, Joe "Mad Dog" Eastman of Brockton. Join us as we honor "Mad Dog" and welcome home his and Joann's USMC son from Iraq. Requested donation, $15 per person, includes food and live music. At the Lafayette Club in Taunton. See www.SEMMSF.org for more info.

3. ) Event, "Friends of Josh" Strange party, Saturday, Nov. 29, 4 p.m., to Midnight, by Josh's family and the MMSF. Twenty-three year old Josh was killed in October, 2007, while riding. Event is to honor his life and raise funds for the MMSF. Requested donation includes food and live music. At the Moose Lodge, in Marlboro, MA, just off Route 495. See www.MassMSF.org for more info.

4. ) Event, "Friends of Ben," founder, owner and operator of "Knight Cycles" in Salisbury, Saturday, December 6, 2008, ride or drive, staging begins at 11:00 a.m., at the Old Oak Tavern, Route 110, Merrimac, for a NOON ride/drive three (3) miles to Amesbury cemetery where Ben is buried. A new headstone, from funds raised, will be dedicated to Ben there. Then a ride/drive back to the Old Oak for food, live music, and a celebration of Ben's life. Requested donation, $15 a person. Co-hosted by his daughter Lisa and the MMSF, tickets available on-line and at Black Death Cycles, beginning Friday. Own a piece of Ben's headstone - come on down to his Event. See www.MassMSF.org for more info.

5. ) MMSF annual Holiday Raffle and Party, Saturday, Dec. 20th, 1 - 4 p.m. Purchase a $10 raffle ticket (or 3 for $20) for five chances to win 100 Lottery Scratch tickets, and come on down to the Village Green, Route 1 North, Danvers, to our holiday party for cheer, food and meeting some of the families your donations year round help out. For more info, to purchase raffle tickets (your stub is your entry into the party), see www.MassMSF.org.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Brian "Chic" Ceccarini of Charlton honored after MMSF event

On a cold November 2, 2008, over 100 people attended "Chic's Ride," in memory of
Brian "Chic" Ceccarini, of Charlton. The goal was to honor "Chic" and raise funds to purchase a headstone. Both missions were accomplished. Thanks to the Friends of Chic, the Mass. Motorcyclists Survivor's Funds, Star Touring Riders and Bobcat, Kim and others from the Quarter Keg Pub,and State Senator Steve Brewer.

Pictures are available here and more here.

MMSF Holiday Party and Raffle - December 20th

Watch for the MMSF Annual Holiday Party and Raffle Drawing on Saturday, December 20th, 2008 from 1 - 4 p.m.

Our upcoming holiday raffle tickets will be available soon. Five chances to win prizes of 100 Mass. Lottery tickets in $10, $5, $2 and $1 denominations. Need not be present to win but come anyway to our annual Holiday Party, this year at the Village Green, Route 1 North, Danvers, from 1-4 p.m., and meet some of the families your donations throughout the years have helped, as we give them a little something extra to help with their holidays. Your raffle ticket stub is your entry fee. Food included, music, egg nog punch, (spiked and not spiked), and maybe Santa will be there too. Bring the family, kids and grandchildren. Watch for raffle ticket sales, $10 each or three (3) for $20.

Friends of Ben "Knight Cycles" Johnston Event in Salisbury December 6th

Watch for "Friends of Ben" Event coming Saturday, December 6, 2008, 11 a.m . - 4:00 p.m.

In memory of Ben "Knight Cycles" Johnston, Jr., of Salisbury. The MMSF and his friends are rallying to raise funds for a proper headstone. Event will include 11:00 staging (ride or drive) at the Old Oak Tavern, 74 East Main Street, (Route 110), Merrimac, MA; a noon sharp funeral ride/drive 3 miles to his grave site, a grave site ceremony, drive/ride back to the Old Oak for a "Celebration" of Ben's life party, with music, food, raffles, etc.

Joe "Mad Dog" Eastman Event - November 29th in Taunton

The Southeastern MMSF is sponsoring an event for Joe "Mad Dog" Eastman in Taunton, MA, at the Lafayette Club on Saturday, November 29th. Read more about Joe, and "Help a Home for the Holidays"!

Friends of Josh Strange Event - November 29th, 2008

Saturday, November 29th, 2008 - Hosted by the Moose Lodge (4pm-11pm)

Print a flyer by clicking here.

The Moose Lodge
67 Fitchburg Street
Marlborough, MA 01752

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Too Broke for Biketoberfest Event in Raynham tomorrow 10/17!

Event, this Friday Night ! http://www.jockeyclubraynham.com/

The recently incorporated Southeastern Massachusetts Motorcyclists' Survivor's Fund, Inc., (who hosted Brian's Ride last August), is having a "Too broke for Biketoberfest but still can help a local rider's family" beach theme Party, this Friday night, October 17th, under the tent at the Jockey Club, 115 New State Highway (Route 44), in Raynham, in memory of Sigrid "Sigi" Trarbach-Nazario of Wareham.

Requested donation, $15 a person, includes food. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Door prize, raffles (including 2 tickets to Sunday's Boston Celtics vs. NJ Nets pre-season game at 3:30). Live music by the Cindy Daley band. Ride or drive. Wear your beach outfit or leathers.

Help keep the momentum, spirit, mission and goals of "Brian's Ride" going with this first SEMMSF Event, "Riders helping local families of riders in need !

For more information, to pre-purchase Event tickets and/or to make a donation, see www.SEMMSF.org.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Saturday, September 13th - MMSF Supported Event at Gypsy Cycles in Rowle

MMSF Supported Event - Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008
Noon - 3:00 p.m., rain or shine!

Gypsy Cycles "Customer Appreciation Day" at 295 Newburyport Turnpike (Route 1), Rowley

Join long time Nelson's Ride and MMSF supporters Nate and Linda for end of the season free snacks from the grill and a used parts swap meet (get rid of those unwanted old parts!!!

Come by and set up on the lawn) noon till 3pm For more info, contact Nate or Linda at 978-948-5010.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Upcoming Events - September 14 - 16, 2008


Introducing the Blackstone Valley Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, Inc. On Saturday, September 13, join the Blackstone Valley group as they launch their Fund to assist local families of riders killed in accidents with their 1st Annual "Touring the Valley" Ride. Click here for more information and flyers.

MMSF Supported Event: "Pete's 15th Annual (and last) Pig Roast" on Sunday, September 14th at 1 P.M., at the Winnekenni Castle, 347 Kenoza Ave (off Route 110) in Haverhill, MA. (See www.winnekenni.com). $20 donation per person requested.

Pete's been a champion of motorcycle rights and a supporter, worker and promoter of Nelson's Ride and the goals and missions of the MMSF. This will be his last "Pig Roast," . . . come on out Sunday, September 14th and give Pete Marrochello a BIG THANKS for all the work and good will he's created!

On Monday night, September 15, from 7-9 p.m., the Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund will have a public 'wrap up' meeting for Nelson's Ride, at the Ipswich VFW, County Road, Ipswich. Come on down, tell us the 'good, bad, and ugly' of the 9th Annual Nelson's Ride, so we can improve the 2009 10th (Anniversary) Nelson's Ride for next year. Public invited, sign up to volunteer for the 2009 Nelson's Ride. Pay-as-you go beverages will be available.

On Tuesday night, September 16, from 7-9 p.m., the Southeastern Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund will have a public 'wrap up' meeting for Brian's Ride, in the upstairs function room at the Jockey Club on Route 44 in Raynham. Come on down, tell us the 'good, bad, and ugly' of Brian's Ride, so we can improve the 2009 Brian's Ride for next year. A special DVD produced by Wendell A. Davis, Jr., from pictures of Brian's Ride, will be shown. Public invited, sign up to volunteer for the 2009 Brian's Ride. Free food and pay-as-you go beverages will be available. For more information, see www.BriansRideFriends.org

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nelson's Ride Photo Slide Show in Newburyport Daily News

Newburyport Daily News had photographer Jim Vaiknoras shooting pictures of Nelson's Ride 2008 today...check out his shots! Are you there?


Peggy Blais of Danvers: Nelson's Ride Parade Queen

(Salisbury, MA) Peggie Blais of Danvers will honor the 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" as its Parade Queen/ Marshall.

Peggie, in 1949, was expecting her third child when her husband traded in their car for a motorcycle. "I thought it was neat. I asked him if girls ride, and he got me a bike too." Peggie, now 80 years young, has been riding ever since.

She was recently recognized at Laconia Bike Week by the Rally Association. She and her family are featured in the recently released "History of Motorcycle Week" book published by Charlie St. Clair and Jennifer Anderson.

The Blais family, with six children, made the annual trek to Motorcycle Week in the 1950's and early 1960's, on two motorcycles with sidecars, and winning about 13 Gypsy Tour trophies for 'best look-alike' (kids), youngest child to ride, woman who rode the most miles, and 'best family' awards.

Then came three more children. "What do you do, the sidecars weren't big enough," she said.

Over the past eight years, she has either rode Nelson's Ride, attended it or stood by her Danvers home waving to the riders. "We had signs reading, 'honk if you love motorcycles and heard about 4,000 horns blasting !"

"Its a wonderful cause, riders helping families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents."

For years, her husband Bob ran the old Witch City Cycles in Salem. He even build a bike in their basement only to find out there was no way to get it out of the basement, dismantled it and rebuilt it in their living room. "We eat, drink and sleep motorcycles," she said, and has passed that onto her children and grandchildren.

When she wasn't riding with her husband, she rode with the "Motor Maids" riding club, one of the first women riding groups.

With nine children, (6 sons and 3 daughters), they all ride motorcycles. Extending that, there are daughters-in-law, a grandson, and even a great grandson with a tiny electric motorcycle.

Peggie, who still rides her 3-wheel Trike, will be a passenger on "the Demon," a Trike built by Larry Cahill of Medford, and co-sponsor of Nelson's Ride with his motorcycle web site www.BostonBiker.com.

"We acknowledge and appreciate all Peggie and her family have done over 6 decades," said Nelson's Ride promoter Paul W. Cote, President of the Survivor's Fund Board of Directors, "to enhance the positive aspects of motorcycling."

Newburyport Daily News story on Nelson's Ride - 8/23/08

Today's (Sat., Aug. 23) front page, bottom fold, Newburyport Daily News


Bikers participating in Nelson’s Ride head through Salisbury Square on their way to Salisbury Beach as they finish their 60-mile ride last year.
Staff file photo Bryan Eaton/ (Click for larger image)
Nelson's Ride fundraiser rumbles through North Shore tomorrow

By Sabrina Cardin
Staff writer

SALISBURY —Tomorrow you may think it is thunder rolling down your street, but the source of the noise is something much more formidable: a pack of hundreds of motorcycle riders with a cause.

For the second year, the fundraiser Nelson's Ride will begin and end in the Salisbury Municipal Parking Lot at Salisbury Beach and rumble through virtually every town in the region between noon and 2:30 p.m.

The ride began nine years ago as a way to help raise money for the family of the late Nelson Selig of Essex, who died in a motorcycle accident in Ipswich in 2000. After three years, Selig's widow, Felicia, said her family was well taken care of and others were in need. Since then, donations have been going toward a program called the Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivors' Fund, which makes money available to families and bikers across the state in need due to injury or death.

And what began with 700 riders has now swelled to between 1,500 and 2,500 motorcyclists who will take a 66-mile low-speed ride through the streets of the North Shore.

Paul Cote, president of the Board of Directors for Nelson's Ride, said he believes what keeps the ride so successful is that it is a personal cause to each rider.

"Nelson's Ride works to reduce accidents and pain," Cote said. "Even if you don't feel it or experience it yourself, you still have to help."

This year marked a first for Nelson's Ride, which expanded the cause to the South Shore with Brian's Ride, raising an additional $20,000. Catching the fundraising bug, some riders are traveling up from as far away as Hyannis to participate in the North Shore version of the ride.

So far, 250 riders have preregistered, and Cote believes most of the turnout depends on weather. Thankfully for the riders, this weekend holds clear skies for what has been a rainy summer. With the weather intact, the ride is expected to raise close to $30,000 this year.

An Amesbury resident himself, Cote is pleased to begin in Salisbury and loves the business the ride generates for Salisbury Beach.

"On a given Labor Day weekend, Salisbury probably sees 250 visitors," Cote said, "but the ride brings in thousands of people and with that business."

Working in close conjunction with the police, Cote cites safety as the main concern with the slow moving ride. Experienced group leaders all ride 5 mph under posted speed limits. Bikers will ride in a scattered formation, and three weeks ago, volunteers posted 100 delay signs with specific times for all motorists to be aware.

Because of the large volume of riders, all stop signs, red lights and intersections will be delayed until riders pass through. Cote reminds motorists that the rider is not above the law but working with it. Delays are estimated to run about 20 to 30 minutes long.

Cote himself suffered a small crash in his early years and stopped riding until 11 years ago.

No longer apprehensive, he said, "Riding is just you and the road. It's a sense of being."

Neslon's Ride

Hundreds of motorcycle riders will take a 66-mile, low-speed ride around the North Shore, affecting local traffic. Here is a time line of when the ride will pass through local communities:

Noon - Salisbury/Seabrook

12:15 p.m. ¬­— Amesbury

12:24 p.m. — Merrimac

12:34 p.m. — West Newbury

12:40 p.m. — Groveland

12:51 p.m. — Boxford

1:18 p.m. — Topsfield

1:27 p.m. — Wenham/Danvers

1:34 p.m. — Hamilton

1:42 p.m. — Ipswich

1:58 p.m. — Rowley

2:12 p.m. — Newburyport

2:15 p.m. — Salisbury

For a complete map of the route, see http://www.massmsf.org/nelsonpages/nelsonsride-main.html

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nelson's Ride is this Sunday 8/24 - All The Details Are Here

Sunday, August 24th - 9th Annual Nelson's Ride-Salisbury Beach Municipal Parking Lot


-Ride Route and Map on Web Site
-Sunday's Schedule of Events on Web Site
-ROAD CAPTAINS - always can use more
-Vendor Info
-Ride Tickets still available at these locations

Help Saturday needed

(Salisbury, MA) The 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" route and map are now posted on the www.MassMSF.org web site. Take a peek at where the Ride will be traveling, through 14 communities and at what times, and encourage your non-riding friends to come out and see the parade of bikes (over 250 advance orders on line processed - thank YOU !)

Sunday's "Schedule of Events" is now posted on the www.MassMSF.org web site, with volunteers from the Aces and Eights Riding Club, the North Shore Women on Wheels, the East Coast Bikers Chicks, the North Shore Riders, HIS Riders/Christian Motorcycle Association, and Rolling Thunder members, and other independent riders, who all make this annual Event run 'smooth,' with the setting up of the Parking Lot, the 'barkers' directing where the bikes come into the lot, the collection of liability release waivers, the acceptance of the Ride donations ($15 per person requested), the parking and staging of the bikes. TONS of thanks to the more than 60 volunteers and groups who put on this Event with the MMSF. If you'd like to work a few hours at the Event (many hands make light work for all) write us at contact@MassMSF.org and we'll pass on your info to our Volunteers Coordinator, Dianne.

Road Captains - TONS of thanks to the above riding clubs, and Boston HOG, the Cruiser Club of Boston, and other independent Riders, who have already signed as Road Captains. We can always use more helping make the Ride safe for all. If you'd like to help with Road Guarding, please write us at contact@MassMSF.org, and we'll pass your info to our Ride Captain, Deputy Dick ! Note, Road Captains go out about 15 minutes before the Ride, to intersections, waiting for the Ride to approach, then 'block' the intersection for the Riders safety, and fall in to the Ride as the last bike approaches. We also need Ride Captains in the 'pack' to ensure no one jeopardizes the safety of the Ride and/or to make decisions to block smaller streets along the Ride Route where it appears impatient motorists are trying to wedge their way into the Ride.

Vendor Space - a limited amount of Vendor Space is available, at $50 per space, with an 'item donation' for our raffles, or $100 (without an item donation). Vendors are required to pay in advance of Sunday, come in from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., be set up and ready to sell by 9:15 a.m. Space will be available for vendors to park their vehicles behind their vending space for easy loading and unloading of products. If you know some vendors who might want to vend, have them contact us at contact@MassMSF.org.

RIDE Tickets - Pre-Registration. Thank you for the on-line orders and donations. Over 250 of them ! ! ! All Ride Tickets have been mailed and the final T-shirt and products mailing is being completed tonight.

You can still obtain Ride Tickets in advance of Sunday. Pre-purchasing your Ride Tickets gets you close to the front of the Ride staging and FREE entry into the drawing for the LoJack system and installation and Rider Training Course gift certificates from Cycles 128 !

Ride tickets are also available at the following supporting shops and businesses, through Friday, August 22 and/or Saturday August 23th, (if they are open - call them to check their schedule):

Beverly - Cycles 128 ! (107 Brimbal Ave)

Danvers - Cody's Brewing Company (62 Maple Street)

Essex, - JR's Route 22 Restaurant and Pub (233 Western Ave.)

Ipswich - VFW - (County Road); Arvo's Gulf Station (22 Topsfield Road)

Lynn - Ed and Vin's Garage (16 Chestnut Street)

Newbury - Knuckehead Motorsports, (Route 1)

Newburyport - Seacoast Cycles (Route 1 traffic circle)

Peabody - Fat Boy Cycles (11 State Street), Gaeta's Towing (Route 1 South), Sacco's (121 Lynn St) and

Provanzano Law Offices (16 Bourbon Street)

Salem - Witch City Cycles, (11 Goodhue Street), Canal Street Cycles, (47 Canal Street)

Salisbury - Drew's Cycle (72 Elm Street, Route 110)

Wakefield - Extreme Moto Design, (Lowell Street)

The 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" is Sunday, August 24, from the Salisbury Municipal Parking Lot on Route 1A (Beach Street). Staging begins at 9:30 a.m., safety briefing and announcements at 11:30 a.m., and the Ride leaves at 12:00 noon SHARP !

Saturday help needed - We have to clean out our storage site with all the tents, tables, signs, chairs, etc., and need 'sweepers' to drive the Ride Route to sweep sand and other garage off the roads. If you have a pick up and a few hours of time Saturday afternoon, . . . write us at contact@MassMSF.org and we'll match you up with one of our team leaders.

We also have a raffle for 'gas cards' going on at $5 per ticket, three tickets for $10 which can be purchased at our Events Products tent with the drawing at Nelson's Ride.

The 66 mile Ride will travel through the cities and towns of Salisbury, Seabook (NH), Salisbury, Amesbury, Merrimac, Haverhill, W. Newbury, Groveland, Boxford, Topsfield, Wenham, Hamilton, Ipswich (pass Nelson's roadside marker at about 1:45), Rowley, Newburyport, and back into Salisbury, for some classic Biker Games, music by Rockin' Randy, and lots of fun!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Betsy Murphy's Going Away Party for founding MMSF Board Member in Saugus - August 28th in Saugus

Our buddy Betsy Murphy of Salem will be moving out of Massachusetts Labor Day weekend - relocating to North Carolina, and we are throwing a 'bye-bye Betsy' Party at Kowloon's, 948 Broadway (Route 1 North), Saugus, on Thursday night, August 28, from 7-9 p.m. Light snacks will be served with pay as you go beverages.

As many of you know, over the years Betsy has donated hundreds of hours of her time, talent an energy, helping others. She was a founding Board Member of the Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund. She testified passionately for adult helmet choice during the ABATE of Massachusetts years, and has been a longtime member of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA), helping get six (6) bills enacted for motorcyclists She also handled the Registration for our Annual Toy Ride for 4 years.

Betsy is a past member of Boston HOG and Cruiser Club of Boston, and a current member of the East Coast Biker Chicks, American Motorcyclists Association (AMA) and Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF), and Merrimac Valley HOG.

Come Thursday night, August 28, 2008, from 7-9 p.m., to Kowloon's, for your last good-byes and well wishes as she embarks on another chapter in her life. We will likely do a 50/50 raffle to help her with the gas moeny. Wish her well and join me in thanking her for all she's done on behalf of motorcyclists in Massachusetts.

If you can't make it August 28th, feel free to e-mail her at Sftgrl@aol.com

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New England Ride for Freedom Tomorrow (8/10/08)




REGISTRATION 9:00 am to 11:00 am
KICKSTANDS UP @ 11:30 am

We are a class 501C-4 non-profit Organization
All proceeds go to supporting POW-MIA Awareness & Veterans Care
Route: Police Escorted, Secondary Roads through Small Towns to Worcester



For Information Contact: Charlie- 617.371.8399 or Bob- 617.828.1255
Bob DeGregorio
Vice President
Rolling Thunder MA 1
c 617 828-1255
h 781 246-1450
f 781 587-1614

"When one American is not worth the effort to be found, we as Americans have lost"

Video and News Story from Brian's Ride (8/3)

Video and Story from the Raynham Call

Nelson's Ride online sales end Friday - buy them at these locations after 8/15

On-line purchase and Pre-Registration for the 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" Ride Tickets and Event Products ends next Friday night at mid-night, so we can mail the orders that weekend. See www.MassMSF.org or www.NelsonsRide.org.

The 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" is Sunday, August 24, from the Salisbury Municipal Parking Lot on Route 1A (Beach Street). Staging begins at 9:30 a.m., safety briefing and announcements at 11:30 a.m., and the Ride leaves at 12:00 noon SHARP !

We also have a raffle for 'gas cards' going on at $5 per ticket, three tickets for $10 which can be ordered on-line with the drawing at Nelson's Ride.

The 66 mile Ride will travel through the cities and towns of Salisbury, Seabook (NH), Salisbury, Amesbury, Merrimac, Haverhill, W. Newbury, Groveland, Boxford, Topsfield, Wenham, Hamilton, Ipswich (pass Nelson's roadside marker at about 1:45), Rowley, Newburyport, and back into Salisbury.

Live Music, Bike Games, raffles and silent auctions. We'll have a 50/50 in the morning with prize drawn before the Ride leaves, and another going to about 3:30.

Order your Ride Tickets and Event Products now securely on-line, up to midnight, Friday, August 15th. Advance purchase of Ride tickets gets you up close to the front position on the Ride and FREE entry into a drawing for a LoJack Anti-theft motorcycle system with installation by Cycles 128, and one of two Rider Training Course gift certificates (transferrable) by Cycles 128.

Advance Ride Tickets are also available at the below supporting locations (check their store/shop hours):

Beverly - Cycles 128 ! (107 Brimbal Ave)

Danvers - Cody's Brewing Company (62 Maple Street)

Essex, - JR's Route 22 Restaurant and Pub (233 Western Ave.)

Lynn - Ed and Vin's Garage (16 Chestnut Street)

Newbury - Knuckehead Motorsports, (Route 1)

Newburyport - Seacoast Cycles (Route 1 traffic circle)

Peabody - Fat Boy Cycles (11 State Street), Gaeta's Towing (Route 1 South), Sacco's (121 Lynn St) and

Provanzano Law Offices (16 Bourbon Street)

Salem - Witch City Cycles, (11 Goodhue Street)

Salisbury - Drew's Cycle (72 Elm Street, Route 110)

Wakefield - Extreme Moto Design, (Lowell Street)

(with more locations being added - stay tuned !)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Newburyport News Story on Nelson's Ride

SALISBURY TOWN NOTEBOOK: Motorcycle fundraiser to begin, end at beach


By Angeljean Chiaramida
Staff writer

Salisbury Beach will once again be the headquarters for Nelson's Ride Rally, a motorcycle event sponsored by the Massachusetts Motorcyclists' Survivors Fund.

This year's ride takes place Sunday, Aug. 24, and includes hundreds of riders making a 60-mile tour, starting and ending at the beach. The rally raises money to benefit the local families of motorcycle riders killed or injured in accidents.

Nelson's Ride commemorates the death of Nelson Selig Sr., who died in a motorcycle accident in Ipswich in 2000, leaving a young family behind. The ride began as a way to raise money to send Selig's children to college. Established in 2003, the Massachusetts Motorcyclists' Survivors Fund continues its efforts to raise money for other families who've lost loved ones to motorcycle accidents.

For more information, visit the Massachusetts Motorcyclists' Survivors Fund Web site at www.massmsf.org.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Brian's Ride - Tomorrow - Weather Looks Fine (Raynham)

Establishing the Southeastern MA Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund - Brian's Ride (2nd Annual) to assist local families of riders killed in motorcycle accidents. "For our Own."

Sunday, August 3rd, from the Jockey Club, Raynham, staging at 9:30 - Ride leaves at NOON Sharp !

See the prize vaults of raffle and silent auction items - see the Ride Route - Meet the Planning Team Members on www.BriansRideFriends.org

Advance Ride Tickets and Gas Debit Card raffle tickets for the 2nd Annual Brian's Ride will be available at these locations below until they close Friday or Saturday - call them for their store/shop hours -

Buying your tickets gets you into a FREE DRAWING for 2-Red Sox tickets and Ride Training Course gift certificates by Training Wheels and Planet Dirt. You also get staged in the first area of riders to leave the Jockey Club.


Bridgewater, Perewitz Cycle Fabrications
Hyannis, Cycle Services
Kingston, Frame Shoppe
Kingston, J&S Leathers
Kingston, Trilogy Cycles
Plymouth, Sweet Lemon's Restaurant
Raynham, host sponsor site, The Jockey Club

Join us to fund the FUND that will help local families of riders . . .

Aug. 3, @ 7 p.m., Aces'n' Eights boat cruise - Gloucester

Event Web Site

"Booze Cruise" hosted by MMSF supporting Aces and Eights Riding Club, this Sunday night, from Capt'n Bill's, on the Harbor Loop, Gloucester, leaving at 7:00 p.m.

Sunset cruise, live music, good people. $20 gets you some of the beautiful scenes you can only see from the Harbor.

So after a Sunday of riding the "Friends of Marty" Ride from the Gateway Pub in Lawrence, or enjoying the STAR 240 BBQ, or helping to establish a South Shore Survivors' Fund with the 2nd Annual Brian's Ride, consider getting up to Gloucester and 'cruising' the Harbor ! Should be a great time.

Cycles 128 / Star 240 Clubs BBQ tomorrow from 11am-3pm

Web Site - http://www.cycles128.com/event_detail.asp?event=287947

MMSF sponsor Cycles 128, Brimbal Ave. Beverly and MMSF supporting group STAR 240 are hosting their 4th Annual BBQ, Sunday, August 3rd, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Admission is FREE. If you're not heading out to Lawrence for the "Friends of Mary" Ride at the Gateway Pub or to the 2nd Annual "Brian's Ride" from the Jockey Club in Raynham, consider stopping into Cycles 128! and see all they have to offer, including their rider training school !

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tri-Town Transcript story on Marty's Ride on August 3rd


Advance copy from the Tri-Town Transcript Community Newspapers story on "Friends of Marty" Ride, this Sunday, August 3rd, from the Gateway Pub, Lawrence.


A memorial ride and fundraiser will be held for Marty Johnson on Aug. 3 at the Gateway pub in Lawrence. The Middleton man

A ride for Marty
By Brendan Lewis/blewis@cnc.com
Wed Jul 30, 2008, 12:07 PM EDT

Middleton -

Middleton’s Marty Johnson wasn’t someone you could ignore. Whether he was making a room erupt with laughter or offering up help, friends and family say the kind and generous 21-year-old brought life into every situation.

“You can’t sum him up in a paragraph,” longtime friend Loretta Swift said. “He was always larger than life.”

Tragically, Johnson’s life was taken in an instant, the result of a motorcycle accident in June. Johnson had collided with a tree on Washington Street in Topsfield in the early morning on June 19. Since then, crosses and flowers have been placed around the area near the crash site as a memorial for the Middleton man. He is survived by his girlfriend, Melissa, and their unborn child.

To honor him, friends and family are gathering this Sunday in Lawrence for a ceremony and motorcycle ride. The ride will also serve as a fundraiser with proceeds going to his girlfriend to help support their child.

“I think its wonderful to keep his memory alive,” Johnson’s mother, Donna, said about the ride. “He loved motorcycles…so he died doing something that he really loved.”

The ride will leave the Gateway Pub on Merrimac Street in Lawrence around noon on Sunday, Aug. 3. Riders, who donate $15, will go through Old Andover Center, then down Route 114 into Middleton, past the Johnson family house.

Swift, who is engaged to Johnson’s older brother Philip, said she had known Johnson since he was little kid.

“He had these huge broad shoulders. I always called him my big little brother,” Swift said.

Although sometimes stubborn, Swift said Johnson would always be the person in the room that would make you laugh.

“He was hilarious,” Swift said. “He is all around a great kid, he would do anything for anyone.”

Both Swift and Johnson’s girlfriend, Melissa, will be speaking at the ceremony before the ride. While the Gateway Pub was scheduling a ride for August, they decided to change their plans and use the ride to honor Johnson’s life.

Paul Cote, president of the Massachusetts Motorcycle Survivors Fund, helped set up the ride in short notice so the Gateway Pub could host the fundraiser.

“The survivors fund is to help families of riders killed in accidents,” Cote said about the organization. As done in other survivor fund events, Cote said the pub will also host a raffle at the memorial where free rider training courses will be offered as prizes. IronStone Ventures, in North Andover, donated the training course vouchers for lessons.

“They’ve gone out of their way to make this a very special memorial…a ride that people will remember,” Donna said.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MMSF receives grant for SAFE rides home for Nelson's Ride and Brian's Ride riders

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation in Irvine, CA, and has APPROVED a $3,000 grant request submitted by the Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, Inc., which will be used to encourage Event attendees not to ride from the Event impaired, by offering alternative transportation and security for their motorcycles.

The MMSF will be allocating $1,000 toward the 2nd Annual Brian's Ride, Sunday, August 3rd from the Jockey Club in Raynham, and $2,000 toward the 9th Annual Nelson's Ride, Sunday, August 24th, from the Salisbury Beach Municipal Parking Lot. Left-over funds will be used for similar programs at other MMSF events.

This is the second year the MMSF has applied and received a $3,000 grant.

Several years ago a mixture of stakeholders from all areas of the county met in technical working groups to come up with recommendations to reduce motorcycle accidents and injuries.

As a result of this collective effort, a document entitled, "The National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety, was published, identifying factors associated with motorcycle crashes and making based on "urgent, essential, necessary" recommendations. This document may be viewed at
Alcohol and Impaired riding was one of the 'urgent' recommendations for the community to address.

So if you need a ride home from Brian's Ride on August 3rd or Nelson's Ride on August 24, take advantage of this Grant obtained by the MMSF.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Last Call For Brian's Ride Orders (and other MMSF event updates)

Please review and watch www.BostonBiker.com and the Motorcyclists Post for Events supporting the local motorcycle riding community !

Events for August 3rd - "Brian's Ride," Raynham; "Friends of Marty Ride," Lawrence; Star 240 BBQ, Beverly, and Aces and Eights evening (7:00 p.m. launch) "booz cruise." (See web sites below)

1.) On-line pre-registration for Brian's Ride (August 3rd) Event tickets (with entry into drawing for free prizes like Red Sox tickets and rider training courses at Training Wheels and Planet Dirt (off road rider training) and up close to the front of the Ride position) and Event Products, . . . ENDS at mid-night, Friday, July 25th.

See www.BriansRideFriends.org or www.MassMSF.org to order securely on-line with your credit and debit cards, BEFORE midnight, July 25.

Advance purchase orders will be mailed out Saturday, July 26, 2008, via priority mail. After July 25th, advance purchase of tickets will be available at these supporting locations, up until Friday/Saturday at noon (check with them for store/shop hours):

Cape Cod Harley, Pocasset
Chiliheads BBQ, W Bridgewater
Cycle Services, Hyannis
Frame Shoppe, Kingston
J&S Leathers, Kingston
Perewitz Cycle Fabrications, Bridgewater
Sweet Lemon's Restaurant, Plymouth
The Jockey Club, Raynham
Trilogy Cycles, Kingston

Please note today the MMSF secured a MAJOR donation of one hundred (100) Construction barrels, for use at Events, from Construction Services of New England, of Stoughton, MA, a heavy equipment sales and repairs business. Their donation was made through Elisa Mello, in memory of Brian. Check them out at www.csneinc.com - and if you need such services, please consider them a MAJOR supporter of the MMSF, its mission and goals.
Also, over 125 "Expect traffic delays" - check twice signs - were posted along Brian's Ride Route last weekend.

2.) "Friends of Marty" Ride (August 3rd from the Gateway Pub in Lawrence) tickets are available at the Gateway Pub - http://gatewaypub.com/ and with Marty's family and friends.

Requested $15 donation in advance or at 9:30 - 11:35 staging on Sunday, August 3rd. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the Gateway Pub on a pay as you go basis.

On line donations to Marty's Fund can be made at www.MassMSF.org, and type in "in memory of Marty" on the donations page. Door prize and raffle of one (1) of two (2) Rider Training Course gift certificates by Ironstone Ventures for its North Andover location, good until October. For more information on learning to ride, check out http://www.mass.gov/rmv/motorcycle/index.htm

3.) 8/24 - 9th Annual Nelson's Ride - Advance Ride tickets (for free entry into drawing for a LoJack antitheft motorcycle system with installation by Cycles 128 and rider training course gift certificates from Cycles 128!) and products are now available on-line at www.NelsonsRide.org and www.MassMSF.org. Also, advance ride tickets and raffle tickets are now available at the following supporting locations:

Beverly - Cycles 128 ! (107 Brimbal Ave)
Danvers - Cody's Brewing Company (62 Maple Street)
Essex, - JR's Route 22 Restaurant and Pub (233 Western Ave.)
Lynn - Ed and Vin's Garage (16 Chestnut Street)
Newbury - Knuckehead Motorsports, (Route 1)
Newburyport - Seacoast Cycles (Route 1 traffic circle)
Peabody - Fat Boy Cycles (11 State Street), Gaeta's Towing (Route 1 South), and Sacco's (121 Lynn St) and Provanzano Law Offices (16 Bourbon Street)
Salem - Witch City Cycles, (11 Goodhue Street)
Salisbury - Drew's Cycle (72 Elm Street, Route 110) and G & G Cycles (142 Lafayette Road, Route 1)
(with more locations being added - stay tuned !)

4. ) And be sure to check out the FREE BBQ with the Star 240 Riders at http://www.cycles128.com/event_detail.asp?event=287947 and the evening Cape Ann boat 'booz cruise' with the Aces and Eights RC at http://acesandeightsrc.com/

5. ) What for upcoming "Tourin' the Valley" charity ride to benefit the Blackstone Valley Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund Event, Saturday, September 13, from the American Legion Post 343 in Northbridge, MA - more information will be sent on the AMA Sanctioned Event.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Brian's Ride and Nelson's Ride Planning Meetings...

Next Brian's Ride Event Planning sessions:

Saturday, July 26, at Noon, at the Jockey Club, Raynham

Friday, August 1, at 7:00, at the
Jockey Club, Raynham

Advance ticket and product on-line sales ends Friday, July 25th at midnight.
(Orders to be mailed 7/26/08)

Next Nelson's Ride Event Planning Sessions:

Each Monday night, 7:00 p.m., Ipswich VFW

Monday, July 28, August 4, August 11, and August 18th

Advance ticket sales and product on-line sales ends Friday, August 17
(Orders to be mailed 8/18/08)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

August 3rd North Shore Gateway Ride: "Friends of Marty"

The MMSF and the Gateway Pub, at 339 Merrimack Street, Lawrence, will be co-hosting a "Friends of Marty" Memorial Ride, Sunday, August 3rd. Staging begins at 9:30 and the Ride will leave at noon sharp.

Marty Johnson, 21, of Middleton, died in a motorcycle crash last month in Topsfield.
For a news report on Marty, see www.MassMSF.org, or click on here for the Salem News story: http://www.salemnews.com/punews/local_story_171225329.html?keyword=topstory.

As you might sense from the news report, he was a young man of quality and character, loved by many and missed by all who knew Marty.

Marty's friends contacted the MMSF a few weeks ago seeking assistance in organizing a Ride in his memory. We have met with Marty's parents (Donna and Marty, Sr.) other family members and friends, who wish to keep his memory alive. Our friends at the Gateway Pub, Amy and Paul (both riders), agreed to change their scheduled "Gateway Ride" into this "Friends of Marty" Memorial Ride.

If you are available to help at the Event and/or Road Guard, please contact Vince Silvia at vsilvia@thesilvias.com or contact@MassMSF.org.

Live music at the Gateway Pub will be provided by "TONNAGE." Click here for their MySpace page site: http://www.salemnews.com/punews/local_story_171225329.html?keyword=topstory.

Beverages and food will be available on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Event tickets ($15 per person) are available at the Gateway Pub, 339 Merrimack Street, Lawrence, just off Route 495. Donations to "Marty's Fund," can be made on-line at the www.MassMSF.org - please put "In memory of Marty" on your donation.

Funds raised after expenses will be placed in Trust until the expected birth of his baby in January. Excess funds raised will be used to establish scholarships for Rider Training in the greater North Andover area.

MORE Events, Sunday, August 3rd on the South Shore and North Shore.

Brian's Ride, (the Jockey Club, Raynham - 9:30 staging, Ride leaves at noon)

Star 240 Riders Family BBQ (Cycles 128, Beverly, 11 a.m., to 3:00 p.m.)

The Aces and Eights RC Booze Cruise (Leaves Gloucester Harbor, 7:00 p.m.)

The 2nd Annual MMSF sponsored "Brian's Ride" will go rain or shine on Sunday, August 3rd, from the Jockey Club, in Raynham. Staging begins at 9:30 and 50-mile scenic Ride leaves at 12:00 noon sharp. Last year, over 325 bikes participated.

Funds raised after expenses will be pooled to be available to assist local families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents.

Advance purchase tickets and event products are now available, on-line, through July 26.
Advance ticket purchase gets you up close to the front of the Ride position and into a free drawing for prizes, including 2 tickets (great seats) to the August 31st White Sox vs. Red Sox game and rider training course gift certificates donated by Training Wheels. Advance riding tickets can be securely purchased on-line up through July 26 at www.BriansRideFriends.org and www.MassMSF.org, or at the following local supporting businesses:

Cape Cod Harley, Pocasset, Chiliheads BBQ, W Bridgewater, Frame Shoppe, Kingston, J&S Leathers, Kingston, Perewitz Cycle Fabrications, Bridgewater, Sweet Lemon's Restaurant, Plymouth, The Jockey Club, Raynham, and Trilogy Cycles, Kingston.

And we'll have a table/booth next Sunday, July 27, noon to 6:00 at the Manomet Mystery Rider's Cooking at John Alden Sportsman's Club, in Manomet. (See http://www.manometmysteryriders.com/)

Donation includes food, live music by the Cindy Daly Band ( http://cindydaley.com/band.html ), raffles, silent auction with cool prizes, bike games and lots of good fellowship. (See the "Prize Vault" on www.BriansRideFriends.org)

If you're on or near the South Shore, this is a Ride to support, . . . riders helping riders' families in need.

And we have a 'gas card' raffle going on with five prizes - tickets only $5 each or three (3) for $10. Tickets can be purchased on-line at www.MassMSF.org, www.NelsonsRide.org, and www.BriansRideFriends.org. Drawing Sunday, August 24 at the 9th Annual Nelson's Ride. Need not be present to win.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

August 3rd - Brian's Ride and other local rides

The 2nd Annual MMSF sponsored "Brian's Ride" will go rain or shine on Sunday, August 3rd, from the Jockey Club, in Raynham. Staging begins at 9:30 and 50-mile scenic Ride leaves at 12:00 noon sharp. Last year, over 325 bikes participated.

Funds raised after expenses will be pooled to be available to assist local families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents.

Advance purchase tickets and event products are now available. Advance ticket purchase gets you up close to the front of the Ride position and into a free drawing for prizes, including 2 tickets (great seats) to the August 31st White Sox vs. Red Sox game and rider training course gift certificates donated by Training Wheels.

Advance riding tickets can be securely purchased on-line up through July 26 at www.BriansRideFriends.org and www.MassMSF.org, or at the following local supporting businesses:

Cape Cod Harley, Pocasset, Chiliheads BBQ, W Bridgewater, Frame Shoppe, Kingston, J&S Leathers, Kingston, Perewitz Cycle Fabrications, Bridgewater, Sweet Lemon's Restaurant, Plymouth, The Jockey Club, Raynham, and Trilogy Cycles, Kingston.

And we'll have a table/booth next Wednesday night, July 16th, 6-9 p.m., at Perewitz Cycle Fabrications "Open House" in Bridgewater and on Sunday, July 27, noon to 6:00 at the Manomet Mystery Rider's Cooking at John Alden Sportsman's Club, in Manomet.

Donation includes food, live music by the Cindy Daly Band ( http://cindydaley.com/band.html ), raffles, silent auction with cool prizes, bike games and lots of good fellowship.

If you're on or near the South Shore, this is a Ride to support, . . . riders helping riders' families in need.

And we have a 'gas card' raffle going on with five prizes - tickets only $5 each or three (3) for $10. Tickets can be purchased on-line at www.MassMSF.org, www.NelsonsRide.org, and www.BriansRideFriends.org. Drawing Sunday, August 24 at the 9th Annual Nelson's Ride. Need not be present to win.

Watch the www.MassMSF.org web site for more August 3rd events at the Gateway Pub in Lawrence, the Star 240 Riders BBQ at Cycles 128! in Beverly, and a night "Booz Cruise" out of Gloucester with the Aces and Eights RC. All good events with supporters of the MMSF, . . . and the 9th Annual "Nelson's Ride" on August 24th.

More Planning Meetings (July 20th and July 21st)

South Shore Planning Meeting: Sunday afternoon, July 20th at 1pm

Brian's Ride - Planning session, Sunday afternoon, July 20th at 1:00 p.m., The Jockey Club, 115 New State Road, Route 44, Raynham, MA. Please RSVP your attendance at this South Shore Event planning session by e-mailing our volunteer coordinator Paula at paulamactootster@yahoo.com

North Shore "Nelson's Ride" Planning Meeting: Monday night, July 21th at 7pm

Nelson's Ride - Planning session, Monday night, July 7th at 7:00 p.m., The Ipswich VFW, 110 County Road (behind the YMCA). Please RSVP your attendance at this North Shore Event planning session by e-mailing contact@MassMSF.org

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Planning Meetings: North & South Shore July 7th and 8th

North Shore "Nelson's Ride" Planning Meeting:
night, July 7th at 7pm
Nelson's Ride - Planning session, Monday night, July 7th at 7:00 p.m., The Ipswich VFW, 110 County Road (behind the YMCA). Please RSVP your attendance at this North Shore Event planning session by e-mailing contact@MassMSF.org

South Shore Planning Meeting:
Tuesday night, July 8th at 7pm
Brian's Ride - Planning session, Tuesday night, July 8th at 7:00 p.m., The Jockey Club, 115 New State Road, Route 44, Raynham, MA (see Brian's Ride and/or The Jockey Club
). Please RSVP your attendance at this South Shore Event planning session by e-mailing our volunteer coordinator Paula at paulamactootster@yahoo.com

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Planning Meetings on June 21 (North Shore) and June 24 (South Shore)

North Shore "Nelson's Ride" Planning Meeting: Monday night, June 23 at 7pm
Nelson's Ride - Planning session, Monday night, June 23 at 7:00 p.m., The Ipswich VFW, 110 County Road (behind the YMCA).
Please RSVP your attendance at this North Shore Event planning session by e-mailing contact@MassMSF.org

South Shore Planning Meeting: Tuesday night, June 24 at 7pm
Brian's Ride - Planning session, Tuesday night, June 10 at 7:00 p.m., The Jockey Club, 115 New State Road, Route 44, Raynham, MA (see Brian's Ride and/or The Jockey Club). Please RSVP your attendance at this South Shore Event planning session by e-mailing our volunteer coordinator Paula at paulamactootster@yahoo.com

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Planning Meetings for North Shore and South Shore Events

Planning sessions for 2008 Nelson's Ride and Brian's Ride, MMSF, Inc. events to raise money to donate to local Northeast and Southeastern Massachusetts families of riders killed and/or seriously injured in accidents, and to promote motorcycle safety and awareness to reduce those accidents:
North Shore

Nelson's Ride - Planning session, Monday night, June 9, at 7:00 p.m.,
Ipswich VFW, 110 County Road, (Route 1A, behind the YMCA), Ipswich, MA.

Our 9th Annual Nelson's Ride is Sunday, August 24, Salisbury Beach.
(see www.MassMSF.org and/or www.NelsonsRide.org) for more info
(Pre-Registration will begin next week on line for FREE entry for Door Prizes of LoJack System, Rider Training Courses by Cycles 128, and close to front riding
Please RSVP your attendance at this North Shore Event planning session by e-mailing contact@MassMSF.org - Everyone is welcome.
South Shore

Brian's Ride - Planning session, Tuesday night, June 10 at 7:00 p.m.,
The Jockey Club, 115 New State Road, Route 44, Raynham, MA
(Pre-Registration is NOW available on-line at www.BriansRideFriends.org and www.MassMSF.org for FREE entry of Door Prizes of Red Sox Tickets, Rider Training Courses by Training Wheels and close to the front riding)
Please RSVP your attendance at this South Shore Event planning session by e-mailing our volunteer coordinator Paula at paulamactootster@yahoo.com
We also have plans in the works for supporting an August 3rd Event in Lawrence; an August 10th Event in Beverly; and a September Event in Saugus - stay tuned for more information.
If your club or group would like to co-host an MMSF supported ride or open house Event - please contact us as contact@MassMSF.org.
Watch these sites for our annual raffle - to ride almost free or learn to ride - with prizes of gasoline debit cards and rider training gift certificates. $5 per ticket, 3 for $10 (in 3-ticket blocks) - need not be present to win - drawing at Nelson's Ride 8/24/08 in Salisbury. And, $100 cash to whoever other than the MMSF sells the most raffle tickets !
All MMSF Rides are AMA Sanctioned Events. Rider safety at our Events is our #1 goal.
The Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, (MMSF, Inc.), is a 501c3 corporation of all volunteers working year round with the various government agencies, the MMA and AMA and other groups, clubs, organizations, and individuals, to reduce motorcycle accidents and resulting injuries, and to pool funds raised from Events to donate to local families of riders killed or seriously injured in accidents. Since year 2000, over $135,000 of riders' and supporting businesses donations have been pooled and re-donated to families of riders in need. Charity begins at home - MMSF Events are 'riders helping riders.' If you ride, you belong on MMSF Events.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thursday, May 29th at Cycles 128 in Beverly - Open House

Beat the weekend lines for inspection stickers before this Saturday's May 31st inspection sticker deadline! Weather looks good for Thursday night, with some rain predicted on Saturday.
If you're not in the North Shore area, and don't have your sticker yet - this is a reminder to get yours before Sunday, or you'll be subject to being stopped, cited, fined, bike towed, left stranded, and pay increased insurance premiums. Remind your riding buddies too ! Inspection sticker deadline is May 31st.
Join us tomorrow night (May 29th) at our last upcoming Thursday night "Open Houses" Inspection Sticker night at one of our North Shore area Survivor Fund supporting motorcycle inspection shops, who will be staying open up to 9:00 p.m. for inspections.
Cycles 128 at 107 Brimbal Ave., Beverly http://cycles128.com/
Map and directions are on their web site at http://www.cycles128.com/map_hours.asp
Get your Sticker on a Thursday night so you can riding this weekend instead of hanging out. There will be a cookout while you wait for your sticker. And we'll also have some 2008 "Nelson's Ride" T-shirts available for purchase!
Cycles 128 is a longtime supporter of Nelson's Ride, donating Rider Training School gift certificates and other prizes, helping the MMSF our door prizes and silent auction items. We appreciate their support, as well as Seacoast Cycles/Newburyport, Stewy's Custom Cycle/Wakefield, and Witch City Cycles/Salem, for their support this season.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sunday May 18th - Memorial Run in Gloucester

Please review and pass along to other North Shore area riders on your lists who might be interested. This is an MMA and MMSF supported event, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to both organizations serving and working for riders. If you'd like your Ride to support the MMSF or MMA efforts, contact us at contact@MassMSF.org.

Thanks - PC

Eddie & Denney's Memorial Run in Memory of Eddie S. Hopkins, Jr. and Dennis F. Martian, Jr. will be held on Sunday May 18th, and begins at Gloucester High School. Pull out is at noon, and the ride will end at the Fraternity Club at 27 Webster Street in Gloucester.

A remote staging area to ride into Gloucester High School will be the Burger King parking lot on Route 128 in Beverly, leaving 11:00 sharp to ride to the High School. Join us there or at the High School for the Ride, or come down to the Fraternity Club for the after-ride party!

The proceeds of this run will go to benefit Gloucester High School Vocational Students, the MMA, and the MMSF. Recommended donation: $15.00.

To see and / or print out a flyer for this Event, go to www.MassMSF.org
Print a flyer and see you there!

Gloucester High School
32 Leslie O Johnson Road
Gloucester, MA. 01930
Click here for driving directions to GHS.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Storm The State House! Thursday, May 15th, 2008

On Thursday, May 15, 2008, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) will host its annual motorcyclists lobbying date. Over 80 riders have signed up on advance, taking the day off from work to 'work' their legislators.

If you cannot make it Thursday in person, be there in spirit with us by calling your State Senator and State Rep., Thursday afternoon, between 1:30 and 3:30, just saying hello, that you're a Rider and you support the lobbying efforts going on by the MMA at the State House.

Please make a 3rd call that afternoon to Senate Ethics and Rules Committee Chairman, Benjamin Downing's office, at 617- 722-1523, asking him to release Senate Bill, No. 2076, the adult choice bill, from his Committee.

The Ride will stage at the Good Time Emporium in Somerville, beginning at 9:30 with Free Coffee and a $15 a person breakfast, until 11:15.

Remote staging areas leaving to ride to Somerville are listed below. Check twice for leave times.

The STORM $5.00 raffle with prizes of a 100 gallons of gas, MMA jacket, MMA shirt, and five (5) 2008 Harley Bike Raffle tickets will be drawn about 11:30 (need not be present to win). We have about 200 tickets left for this special raffle and if you'd like your name put on some tickets, e-mail me and tell me the 'check is in the mail' and we'll put your name and phone number on the stubs - again, $5 each.

The free Ride will leave Somerville about 11:55 and ride into Boston with special reserved parking paid by the MMA. Riders will go through one of three of the security entrances into the State House and meet up in Nurse's Hall for some presentations. Then they will visit there elected officials' offices to discuss with them some of the issues, including fully funding the Motorcycle Safety Fund, adult helmet choice, and increased penalties for right of way violations. About 3:30 some will gather at the 21st Amendment Pub to review their experiences.

This is a rain or shine event. We go Thursday to redress our grievances with our Government. Join us and ROAR on ! (remote locations below).

Remote staging locations for rides into Somerville . . .

Staging will be at Dunkin Donuts on Route 30....right at the Exit/Entrance of Exit 13 off the Mass Pike....meeting at 8:45am, depart - 9:15am for 30 Assembly Square, Somerville. Remote Site Captain, Karl Thober.

Cape Cod :
Route 6 Exit 6 Burger King Parking Lot.
Leaving at 8:30 stopping at Braintree Sunoco to meet with riders from Kingston and Raynham (See other staging times Locations) Remote Captain Rick Strawn / Rick Gleason.

Burger King on Route 24 (North) at the 495/24 interchange. Staging at 8:15, - departing at 8:50 sharp. Riding to Braintree – stopping in Braintree to meet up with others. See Braintree below. Remote site ride Captain, Mike Longtin.

For more information, contact Mike at Gunny.

Staging will be Burger King off Route 3 (Exit 9) onto Route 6. Staging around 8:00 am – departing at 9:00 am, riding to Braintree (see below) to meet up with others. Remote site ride Captain, Kevin.

For more information, contact Kevin at Kevin.

Staging at the Sunoco Gas Station, MBTA Station exit Rotary (across Highway from Hill Top Steak House. Staging at 9:30, ride leaves at 10:00 am SHARP ! Riders from Bridgewater and Kingston area will meet to ride into Somerville. Remote site ride Captain, Kevin. For more information, contact Kevin.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thursday, May 15th at Stewy's Customs in Wakefield - Get Inspected!

Join us at our next upcoming Thursday night "Open House" at Stewy's Customs in Wakefield. Motorcycle inspection shops will be staying open up to 8:00 p.m. for inspections. Avoid weekend lines and come on out and join us at those supporting the MMSF.

This Thursday...come on out!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Eddie and Denney's Memorial Run - Sunday May 18th, 2008

Eddie and Denney's Memorial Run in Memory of Eddie S. Hopkins, Jr. and Dennis F. Martian, Jr. is on Sunday May 18th, and begins at Gloucester High School. Pull out is at noon, and the ride will end at the Fraternity Club at 27 Webster Street in Gloucester.

The proceeds of this run will go to benefit Gloucester High School Vocational Students, the MMA, and the MMSF. Recommended donation is $15.00

Print an event flyer and join us!

Nelson's Ride Planning Meeting - May 13th, 6:30pm

Our next planning meeting is Tuesday night, May 13, at the AM Vets, 6:30 p.m., 49 Market Street, Ipswich. Come on down !

Thursday Night Open Houses in May for Inspection Stickers

Join us at our next upcoming Thursday night "Open Houses" at these North Shore area Survivor Fund supporting motorcycle inspection shops, who will be staying open up to 8:00 p.m. for inspections.

Get your Sticker on a Thursday night so you can riding this weekend instead of hanging out. We'll also have some 2008 "Nelson's Ride" t-shirts available for purchase !

Right now our scheduled events include the following Thursday night open houses:

May 1st

Seacoast Cycles, Newburyport

May 8th

Witch City Cycles, Salem

May 15th

Stewy's Custom Cycles, Wakefield

May 29th

Cycles 128!, Beverly

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Ride for The Troops on Sunday, April 27th

Please review the Spring Ride for The Troops flyer and pass along to other northern New England riders and Veterans in MA, NH, and ME on your list who might be interested.

As a VN era veteran, co-cordinator of the Moving Wall being in my home town (Amesbury - 2006) an MMA, AMA and MRF 'freedom fighter,' . . . I fully support those who are now serving in our Armed Services fighting for ours and other's freedoms.

Please support them too - all politics aside . . . it means a lot to us, and our kids who are serving now.

Respectfully and with great thanks - PC

Be a Rider of the STORM on May 15th, 2008)

Be a "Rider of the STORM !"

On Thursday, May 15, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) will STORM the STATE HOUSE on its annual Motorcyclists Lobbying Day, for riders to ride from Somerville to Boston, with special parking, to meet with their elected officials to 'redress' our grievances with our Government, as allowed by the US Constitution. This is the one day we need riders to STEP UP - and make their 'bitches' to those who can affect the changes we want.

The ride is FREE ! It is on a Thursday because the State House is not open on Saturdays or Sundays. We need riders who care about our freedoms and our safety, to join us.

If you would like breakfast, or a STORM Event T-shirt, patch, rocker, or raffle ticket for 100 gallons of gas, five of our MMA HD raffle tickets, an MMA jacket or denim shirt, deadline for pre-ordering is April 30.

See www.MassMotorcycle.org - Click on STORM and register/order, securely on line with your credit card or print out a form and mail in with your check. All orders will be mailed. Event products will NOT be available at the Event (so we can all ride).

If you cannot take Thursday, May 15th off from work - support those who can by buying STORM products/ raffle tickets and/or sending in a donation to our ABATE PAC of MA at www.ABATEPACOFMASS.org. The strength of the wolf is the PAC. The POWER of the PAC are its 'wolves.' Be a wolf !

And a tip of the beanie to the 80 or more who have already registered as "Riders of the STORM!" Thank YOU for stepping up early for all riders in Massachusetts!