Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MMSF receives grant for SAFE rides home for Nelson's Ride and Brian's Ride riders

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation in Irvine, CA, and has APPROVED a $3,000 grant request submitted by the Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor's Fund, Inc., which will be used to encourage Event attendees not to ride from the Event impaired, by offering alternative transportation and security for their motorcycles.

The MMSF will be allocating $1,000 toward the 2nd Annual Brian's Ride, Sunday, August 3rd from the Jockey Club in Raynham, and $2,000 toward the 9th Annual Nelson's Ride, Sunday, August 24th, from the Salisbury Beach Municipal Parking Lot. Left-over funds will be used for similar programs at other MMSF events.

This is the second year the MMSF has applied and received a $3,000 grant.

Several years ago a mixture of stakeholders from all areas of the county met in technical working groups to come up with recommendations to reduce motorcycle accidents and injuries.

As a result of this collective effort, a document entitled, "The National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety, was published, identifying factors associated with motorcycle crashes and making based on "urgent, essential, necessary" recommendations. This document may be viewed at
Alcohol and Impaired riding was one of the 'urgent' recommendations for the community to address.

So if you need a ride home from Brian's Ride on August 3rd or Nelson's Ride on August 24, take advantage of this Grant obtained by the MMSF.